Robot Arm Simulator

The vison Link to heading

It started with a simple goal: build a desktop app to control a robotic arm and visualize its movements in real-time. But like any good project, it grew beyond its initial scope. Why stop there when you can create a multi-client architecture? Now, one GUI controls the arm, and others can join as viewers, creating a collaborative robotics experience.

Source code on GitHub

Description Link to heading

The Robotic Arm Simulation and Control Platform is a desktop GUI application designed to control a real robotic arm. The GUI communicates with a server that maintains the “true state” of the arm segment positions. The first GUI client to connect becomes the “Controller,” gaining the ability to control the robotic arm, while subsequent clients are assigned a “Viewer” role to observe the arm’s current position.

Watch the robotic arm simulator in action! Link to heading

Key Features Link to heading

  • Real-time Control: Control the robotic arm in real-time through a user-friendly GUI.
  • Multi-client Support: Multiple clients can connect, with one controlling and others viewing.
  • Modular Design: Organized into separate projects for the GUI, server, and ESP32 client.

Highlights Link to heading

  • Interactive GUI: The PySide6-based GUI provides an intuitive interface for controlling the robotic arm.
  • WebSocket Server: The server ensures smooth communication and synchronization between the GUI and the robotic arm.
  • ESP32 Client: The Arduino-based client handles the physical control of the robotic arm.

What I Learned Link to heading

This project deepened my understanding of WebSocket communication, Python GUI design with PySide6, and microcontroller programming with the ESP32. It also taught me the value of modular design and careful debugging when working across multiple platforms.

Future Plans Link to heading

  • Real Robotic Arm Development: Ongoing development of a real robotic arm to fully test the platform.
  • Software Enhancements: Version 2.0 of the software is in development, focusing on adding a feedback loop and movement restrictions.

Impact Link to heading

This platform bridges the gap between simulation and real-world robotics. It’s not only a valuable tool for hobbyists and educators but also a stepping stone for more advanced robotic systems.