PACT (Project Automation and Cloning Tool)
lightweight command-line utility written in C. It simplifies the process of creating and managing project directories.
Tic Tac Toa
A simple terminal-based Tic-Tac-Toe game in C for two players with real-time input handling and color-coded turns.
Robot Arm Simulator
Desktop app (PySide6) with 3D view of a robotic arm, with controlls. Central server (Py WS) for controlling servos over Wifi.
Chemistry Bond Game
A simple drag and drop playground to see visualy which atoms bond with each other.
Spot Project
S.P.O.T project is a CLI tool designed to help you manage and track your productivity with an built in Pomodoro.
Frappster Banking System
A playful command-line simulation of a banking system. It provides pre-populated user accounts (including an all-powerful “Wizard Anorak” admin), supports deposits, withdrawals, wire transfers, and offers basic role-based access.
“Useless Time Waster but Entertaining Newsboat Extractor” is a small program that fetches the newest videos from specified channels in your Newsboat feed database—auto-marking them as read.
Tech Cache
Inventory Management Program for Small Warehouses such as Makerspaces/Workshops
Poker Odds Calculator
Poker Odds Calculator. Calculate your hand odds against other players.
Car Over Wifi
Flask app with raspb PI 4 camera view to control a arduino based car from a browser.